5 minutes of running a day, is that all I have to do to improve my lifespan? Yes, most people spend the morning rushing around getting ready for work, or sleep until the last minute before they have to wake up – but others choose to go for a run. And according to research, it is one the best way to get fit for free this january.
5 minutes of running a day may boost longevity
New research suggests that which exercises you choose could affect how long you live. The research, from Iowa State University, shows that 5 minutes of running a day – more than any other exercise – can extend your lifespan and boost longevity.

According to the research, 5 minutes of running a day may boost longevity and would help expand your life expectancy even if the runner is overweight or a smoker. The research shows that runners tend to live an additional three years compared to those who didn’t run.
In comparison to other forms of exercise such as cycling, it found that running reduced your likelihood of premature death by 40 percent.
In comparison, cycling and walking were only found to reduce your likelihood of premature death by 12 percent.
The research followed 55,000 men and women
The research followed 55,000 men and women aged 18-100 and that makes for and extensive study.
The study found that hour for hour, running gives more time back to people than it consumes. Yes, it offers cardiovascular and physical benefits and will make you look good. But like everything it is good to get a balance. Combine running with intense walks and perhaps some pilates and Yoga to really boost your health.
The research has been published in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Disease. The study shows that one run equates to an extra seven hours of life.
How to run 5 minutes day with a busy schedule?
You must try to find the time incorporate a bit of running into your lifestyle, here are 5 quick ways to incorporate one of the most effective exercises in your schedule for free.
It’s well known that running is one of the most effective exercises. According to Better Health, running can also help build strong bones, strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness and is an effective way to burn calories and lose weight.
Walk and Run
The easiest way to start is to go for a walk and then start jogging for 400 yards and then walk again until you catch your breath and then run again for another 400 yards and keep that up for 5 mins of total running. On average that means you’ll have to do around 5 runs of 400 metres each. That’s an easy start, isn’t it.
Once you have mastered that increase the distance from 400 to 800 and do it 5 times, yes you’ll run longer, but the in most cases you’ll be running faster as well, so you still need to make sure you cover 5 mins.
Run around the house
The other way is, if you can’t get out before you go to work, run around the house, up and down the stairs and in and out of the bedroom and kitchen and keep doing that a few times. You can start by doing it slowly and then increasing the speed, this would be a bit more intense than just running but it is a good thing, because it will improve your heart health and strengthen your knees and give you a bit more agility, since you’ll have to turn around corners and run up and down stairs.

Running on the Spot
The other way is to run on the spot, it works and it is a good start. So start by running on the spot for 60 seconds and then multiply that for 5 times. I know it does sound tedious but at least you can do it in your room and no one needs to see you running like Phoebe from Friends.
Suicide runs
Lastly, and this is a pro tip, if you can run outside or in a park, or even at the gym, you can do suicide runs. These are so fun to do and work wonders on your fitness and health. But you probably want to do this for 10 minutes.
What you do it, is pick 3 spots, they need to be at least 10 metres apart, a start, half way and the end, then you run to halfway point and sprint to the end point and then jog back to start. Take a break and then do it again. Work your way up to doing this 10 times and you’ll feel a million times better with any other exercise you do.
Once you’re comfortable you can increase the distance and also the rotation, of sprinting. and before you know it, you will ditch the 5 minutes of running a day and move on to marathons.
Last but not least – a bit of common sense
Running may be an effective exercise, but like all exercises, it must be done in tandem with a healthy diet and in tune with your current health.
You must make sure you seek medical advice if you have any doubts, by calling your local medical professionals Even if you intend on only doing 5 minutes of running a day.
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