Thursday’s News briefing VIDEO – Rohingya relocation – Sri Lanka cyclone – US security concerns ahead of Solemani anniversary
Rohingya relocation – Sri Lanka cyclone – US security concerns ahead of Solemani anniversary
Jersey to enter ‘hospitality circuit breaker’ until 4 January
Boris Johnson warns of ‘immense logistical challenges’ in distributing the vaccine
Ex-French leader Valery Giscard d’Estaing dies at age 94
Cyclone hits Sri Lanka as southern India hunkers down
The United States to draw down staff from Baghdad embassy amid ‘security concerns’ as the anniversary of Soleimani assassination draws near – reports
Rights groups urge Bangladesh to halt Rohingya relocation
UAE launches satellite to celebrate National Day
The secret scheme to skim millions off central Asia’s pipeline megaproject
‘Covid fatigue’ and Christmas lures eager shoppers
Coronation Street would be in Tier 3 and Rovers Return could only do takeaway, minister says
Man Utd lose to PSG as last-16 hopes go to final group game
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