Get ready for a new month (Picture: Getty/
We’re just past a Pisces supermoon and only into Uranus retrograde, but many more astrological transits will be affecting things come September.
This month, Jupiter also goes retrograde, starting four months of goal-setting and reflection over what we’ve learned and how we want to use that to progress into 2024.
Autumn Equinox is also celebrated on September 23 – the very same day luxurious Libra season begins – so preparing for a cosy and pleasure-filled autumn will be on the cards for most signs over the course of the next few weeks.
Ahead you’ll find your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of September, with three tarot cards drawn and their meaning for you explained.
March 21 to April 20
What are you dreaming of? (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Aries for September: Queen of Swords, Seven of Cups, Seven of Coins
Meaning: Manifest
Take responsibility, and great relish, in designing a revamp of your lifestyle! Autumn brings us a pause, a moment of reflection and appreciation for all that’s gone down, as well as recognition that winter lies ahead and new year just after that. Time to reap, sow, and make changes.
The Queen of Swords reveals this is a solo quest, it’s all about you. And you’re in control, making the decisions, and executing the actions. The Sevens of Cups and Coins join forces to bring your imagination and power together. If you can dream it, you can do it. Time to manifest what lies in your daydreams and fantasies, to put practical effort in making them come true.  Â
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21
Keep your friends super close this month (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Taurus for September: Ten of Cups, Knight of Coins, Three of Coins
Meaning: Relationship magic
Revel and lean into your closest relationships this September, Taurus, and protect what you’ve got and build on the good things. People make our world what it is. Who we surround ourselves with creates the environment we actually experience and draw from. The Ten of Cups asks you to prioritise your number one person this autumn, do great things together and tell them how you feel, your hopes for the future, and what they mean to you in this life.
The Knight of Coins asks you to protect and nurture your friends, family and colleagues. These are important bonds. Don’t let gossip, backbiting, or competitiveness infect your connections. The Three of Coins reveals that you have admirers too, people wanting to be a part of your world. Let them in, be welcoming.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21
Make the leap – the cards are on your side (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Gemini for September: The Magician, Ace of Cups, King of Swords
Meaning: Come into your own powers
Beautiful cards, so September is going to smile down on you and bring blessings. Be ready to receive, absorb, amplify and generate more! The Magician and King of Swords are both talisman cards for your star sign (Magician ruled by Mercury, your planet, and King ruled by Air, your element). Time to step into your power, recognise and use your talents, draw on your strength, be confident and showcase what you got. Because… you’ve got it all! It’s time to become everything you can be, to fulfil your potential.
The Ace of Cups shows that this manifests via something new, inspiring, creative, passionate, and bold. You draw something new into your world and it uses your talents and skills. A great time to fly solo, be entrepreneurial, pitch and propose, create and invent. A truly magical month.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23
Tap into that wisdom (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Cancer for September: Knight of Swords, The Hermit, Judgment
Meaning: Major turning point
Look within for the answers. You already know, deep down, what to do. You know everything anyway, Cancer, because you’re the most knowing and insightful sign in the zodiac.
The Hermit and Judgment are powerful cards of enlightenment and awakening. You are going to receive amazing epiphanies and revelations when you’re alone, thinking, daydreaming, meditating, journalling, creating, relaxing this September, so carve time for all of that. Be solitary and use this space for your own reflections. Everything starts in the imagination. This isn’t thinking for the sake of it, or navel gazing. This is you connecting to your true desires, needs, and frustrations, and figuring out how to manage them.
The Knight of Swords shows that when you’re ready you’re going to spring into action, on the front foot, getting what you now know you need, desire, and deserve. This is a turning point in 2023.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23
Leo, get ready to find the reassurance you’ve been waiting for (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Leo for September: Five of Coins, Justice, Three of Wands
Meaning: A chance to heal
A fleeting but important window of opportunity will open this month to redress a wrong, right the balance, and seek vindication or justice about something you felt you lost, were robbed off, were treated unfairly through. It will feel great!
The Five of Coins shows you endured a loss, grief, setback, or wound. It still rankles with you. And you’re not alone, you know. Others have suffered too. Perhaps you can find solace and solidarity with others. In fact, maybe more, because Justice shows this can all be atoned for and set right. You deserve to hear the facts and maybe receive an apology or compensation or some kind of acknowledgement.
The Three of Wands reveals it will unfold, but through an unexpected and fleeting window of opportunity. So be on the alert and be proactive. This will complete your healing journey.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23
Take time out and the answer will reveal itself (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Virgo for September: Two of Wands, Page of Swords, Page of Cups
Meaning: Focus on priorities
Decisions, decisions. The Two of Wands wants you to focus, prioritise, and streamline, and that means making a choice between A or B. You can’t do it all. You need to decide what your ‘big rocks’ truly are and act accordingly.
The Page of Swords reveals the extent of your indecision here. It’s confusing, maybe overwhelming, you can’t see how you can trim things back.
The Page of Cups asks you to take a break, do something creative, fun, that puts you in flow, and take a mental vacation from this. It’s when you’re not looking that the answer will emerge, straight from your sub conscious (which already knows what to do, it’s just looking for the right moment to tell you). Deep down, your priorities are already in place and banked. Life has just gotten busy and you’ve been dragged into other things. Time to scale it back and refocus.   Â
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23
Great cards for you this month (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Libra for September: Six of Cups, Queen of Coins, The Sun
Meaning: Holiday fun
Gorgeous, romantic, and happy cards for you, Libra. A real blend of nostalgia, blasts from the past, affectionate play, romance, joy, success, and hard work which pays off. Basically, work hard and play hard this September. Burn the candle at both ends and you’ll reap a heap of rewards.
The Six of Cups is nostalgia and playfulness, perhaps a friend is going to show up, or a long lost family member, maybe even an ex. It will be someone you’re pleased to see anyway and a welcome rekindling. Water signs are well starred here – Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. The Queen of Coins has you working hard and focused on your work, wealth, health, and home. Positive behaviours and habits are really starting to pay off and it spurs you on to do even more and better. Go for it!
The Sun is a general blessings card, the tarot’s most positive card. It brings joy, success, love, prosperity and fulfilment into your world, as long as you’re confident and proactive enough to step up and take the chances, push yourself forward, be positive and bold. The higher you aim this month, the better the outcome.  Â
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22
Time for a refresh, Scorpio? (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Scorpio for September: Five of Swords, Ace of Coins, Two of Swords
Meaning: A change is coming
From conflict and stress can come a new direction and outlook. Perhaps the negativity is almost doing you a favour because it’s forcing you to re-assess and look at something tricky in greater depth and fathom how you’re going to tackle it. If there was no ~pain~ this would just carry on and on.
The Five of Swords is the ~noise~. Arguing, falling out, tension, anger, conflict. Go where it is and be objective – ask what is really going on here. The Two of Swords shows a new decision is required and maybe even overdue. You knew this was coming, you saw the signs, and this is just the end game of a long-running feud or fault line. Now is the time to deal with it.
The Ace of Coins shows you will turn the page, start a new chapter, make a change. This is the dawn of a new era, triggered by discomfort, but leading to prosperity, gain, and success! Be brave. Â Â Â
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21
Keep an eye out for charming Water signs (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Sagittarius for September: King of Wands, Two of Coins, Knight of Cups
Meaning: Wonderful September
Magical times ahead, Sagittarius – be abundant, lucky, positive, hopeful, and ready! The King of Wands is a bold adventurer, and represents your happy-go-lucky sign. You are ready for an adventure, make it happen. Travel, take a class, change your lifestyle, start a hobby, get creative.
The Two of Coins invites you to bite off more than you chew (not that you need encouragement )- bring in lots of new news this September, say yes to everything, be out and about, fill your diary, take on more than you think you can handle! The
Knight of Cups also adds a sprinkle of romance and passion to the month – maybe a flirtation and love affair with a charming Water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), maybe a rekindling of passions with your current beau. All in all, a super September.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21
If you follow the right path, who knows what you can achieve!? (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Capricorn for September: The Lovers, The Star, Three of Swords
Meaning: Choose happiness
Choose to be happy, choose to do what’s best for you, be proactive about your prosperity and health and wellbeing. The Lovers shows you discerning new ways ahead, making choices, deciding between one option and another. You might feel confused at times but don’t give up, get the unanswered questions answered and clear the fog. Keep progressing, don’t drift along and be ‘done to’.
The Star asks you to be led by your very best hopes for yourself, not fears. The higher you aim, the better the outcome. Dream big! The Universe is backing your every move this September.
The Three of Swords is a nudge to remove the flies from your ointment, the thorns from your side, the dark clouds from overhead. Get rid of tasks, places, duties, commitments, people, situations and activities which do not bring happiness and are not necessary. Clear those decks, gift yourself a clean slate.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19
Good things come to those who persevere (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Aquarius for September: Four of Wands, Eight of Coins, Five of Wands
Meaning: Don’t give up
Keep going, Aquarius – keep your face to the sunshine and don’t dwell in the shadows. Keep persisting, trying, grafting, and overcoming. The rewards are worthwhile and a breakthrough is coming.
The Four of Wands and Eight of Coins are your corner team, your coach, your allies. They are giving you a little shoulder rub and telling you to keep going. The end is in sight, even if it doesn’t seem so. The promotion/reward/expansion/recognition is all there waiting for you when you cross the Finish Line, and it’s nearer than you think. Do not give up now.
The Five of Wands hints there’s one last obstacle to overcome and face down. Get through it this September and you’re into the final stretch and the rewards. Keep going!
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20
A problem shared and all that… (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Pisces for September: Eight of Wands, Seven of Swords, Nine of Swords
Meaning: Share the issue
I feel like you need to talk about the things that are bothering you (especially regarding other people’s behaviour) because I think you’re going to find other people are experiencing the same thing and, when you put your heads together you will feel validated and maybe ideate a way forwards. You are not alone in this situation!
The Eight of Wands is the urge to talk, share, get it off your chest, say how it is. The Nine of Swords directs this honesty towards a problem, stress, fear or anxiety you have kept to yourself. The Seven of Swords says it’s likely about how someone, or a group of people, are treating you. Poorly, in short. Pisces, share the issue. You will find others have had it too. And maybe find a way to resolve it.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.
Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.
MORE : Which star signs clash the most? These are the ones you should avoid
MORE : How to do a love tarot and read your own relationship fortune
MORE : What each star sign needs most in a relationship
Get ready for a new month.Â