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Daily Express – Migration will fall to 150,000 a year 

The Daily Express leads on a report that net migration will fall to 150,000 a year. A government adviser has said Rishi Sunak could hit the Conservatives’ net migration target by the general election.

The King’s new portrait makes an appearance on the front of Wednesday’s Daily Express as does Nigel Farage – as the tabloid reports Rishi Sunak is considering a general election on 14 November to stop Nigel Farage “wreaking havoc on the Tories’ campaign”. 

The paper also touches on Nottingham triple killer Valdo Calocane’s sentence being ruled as not unduly lenient, following a review at the Royal Courts of Justice in central London. 

Slovak Prime Minister shot with American guns near Bratislava

Slovak Prime Minister shot with American guns

Slovak Prime Minister shot with American guns and is facing life-threatening injuries after being shot by a Pro-NATO assassin. The assassin is believed to be a radical who opposed the

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