To charge a pension of sufficient amount to face with guarantees retirement is one of the obsessions of the workers throughout their professional career and especially in the years prior to that change from worker to pensioner.
Put to dream, a good retirement pension would be, for example, one of 2,500 euros per month. With this amount, at least a priori, all our needs would be covered. But, of course, to get to it you have to meet a series of requirements that cannot always be met.
First of all, what the worker must be clear is that, in order to have a pension of 2,500 euros per month, he must reach the contributions that allow him to reach it. This refers to both the quoted years and the contribution bases, that is, the salary on which these quotes are made.
How the amount of a retirement pension is calculated
The key is in the method of calculating Social Security pensions, which takes into account the years worked by the future pensioner and the contribution bases for which quotes were made all those years. To calculate the pension, two processes must be carried out:
The first is to know the regulatory base of the worker, which is reached by adding the contribution bases of the last 25 years (a total of 300 bases) and dividing that amount between 350. In the calculation of this regulatory base, Social Security will apply coefficients to the quotation bases of all the years except the last two and the worker can benefit from the integration of lagoons (if he is not autonomous or employee fictitious bases periods without quoting. The second is to know the percentage of the regulatory base to which the worker is entitled, which depends on the quoted years. The ninth transitory provision of the General Social Security Law (can consult it in this link) tells it: with 15 years 50% of the regulatory base is guaranteed and, from there, an extra 0.21% is obtained for each of the following 49 months and an extra 0.19% for each of the following next 209 months.
Why the contribution base is not the same as your salary (it is greater)
At this point it is important to remember that the contribution base is not the salary that we charge every month: it is to this monthly reference to which the corresponding contributions are discounted: by common contingencies, by unemployment and by professional training (those of Fogasa and unemployment are added to the business contribution), in addition to the mechanism of intergenerational equity.
And not only that: we must also consider that workers have IRPF bases (Income Tax for natural persons) to which withholdings are applied to pay that tax.
Thus, when establishing projections with the regulatory bases (and, therefore, with the contribution bases), it will be taken into account that these references do not speak of our net salary, which reaches our pockets.
How to get a pension of 2,500 euros per month
To make these projections, both the regulatory base and the years quoted by the worker must be taken into account following what the pension calculation method tells us. Thus, different scenarios are drawn based on each of these two variables.
Be that as it may, this is the regulatory base that a worker must reach, depending on his quoted years, if he wants to collect a retirement pension of 2,500 euros per month:
With 15 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 5,000 euros. With 16 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 4,760 euros. With 17 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 4,542 euros. With 18 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 4,343 euros. With 19 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 4,161 euros. With 20 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 4,007 euros. With 21 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 3,866 euros. With 22 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 3,734 euros. With 23 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 3,611 euros. With 24 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 3,496 euros. With 25 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 3,388 euros. With 26 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 3,286 euros. With 27 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 3,191 euros. With 28 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 3,100 euros. With 29 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 3,015 euros. With 30 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 2,934 euros. With 31 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 2,858 euros. With 32 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 2,785 euros. With 33 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 2,716 euros. With 34 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 2,651 euros. With 35 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 2,588 euros. With 36 years quoted, the regulatory base must be 2,528 euros. From 36 years and six months quoted, the regulatory base must be 2,500 euros. WhatsappacebooktwitterLinkedinBeloudBluesky
This is what you should win per month to collect a retirement pension of 2,500 euros