The employer Conpymes, the business organization that was born in 2021 surrounded by the wife of the President of the Government, Begoña Gómez, and the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, and of which Pimec is a part of Pimec has marked distances this Tuesday in Madrid with an act against the preliminary draft of the reduction of the working day at 37.5 hours that the Congress of the Deputies will arrive in the coming weeks. Entrepreneurs harden their speech against the defendant months ago and call to stop their process instead of agreeing.
“We do not want alms, we want to work with the appropriate conditions that allow us to be viable, grow and create employment” has settled the president of Conpymes, José María Torres, when opening the debate. This referred to the position expressed in recent months from the Ministry of Labor, in which they “open to negotiate amendments” in the processing of the norm in Congress. In fact, this was one of the arguments of the Diaz team to reject the compensations that economy wanted to introduce before approved in the Council of Ministers, since they were in mind that they would need something to offer Catalan training in exchange for their vote in favor.
At the negotiating table with CEOE and Cepyme, the Government proposed a package of aid aimed at small businesses to compensate for the hiring of an additional worker and an “accompaniment” so that this measure was translated into an improvement in productivity. Díaz did not specify the details of these proposals, which seek to recover in parliamentary negotiation. Instead, Economy advocated extending the deadline for the entry into force of this day cut based on the activity sectors and talked about other compensation measures that also remained in the air. “Possible aids do not solve the problem and are an incomprehensible waste,” Torres has argued.
The organization defends that when you start talking about the amendments to the text driven by the government, it would have already been damaged to companies. Thus, these organizations are aligned with the position defended from CEOE, in which the Catalan employer Foment of the Treball is integrated, and defends that this reduction in working time must be carried out through collective bargaining and not through a law. “It is not fair to constantly demonate entrepreneurs, charging social dialogue with a measure that will involve a hole of 20,000 million” has reproached Torres.
In a meeting with journalists held before the start of the day, Torres has assured that they have the word of Junts that they will vote against this measure. However, he acknowledges that in politics there can always be posture modifications by cross negotiations. This parliamentary group moved just two weeks ago by Díaz in the Congress Labor Commission that “right now” did not support the draft. “We know that our position is not easy. It is nothing grateful. No worker will give up working less and win more. But you know that already happens through collective bargaining,” said Deputy Josep Maria Cervera.
However, from Conpymes – which seeks to dispute the defense of the interests of small and medium enterprises – they do not plan to make a common front with the employer with headquarters in Diego de León, 50
“To say that we want to work less and collect more is populism, when we say or make a proposal like this we should do it in the right frame and in the right field,” added the president of Pimec, Antoni Cañete. “Today we are here for a failure of social dialogue, having risen from the table of a topic like this is a failure, it must be taken to the scope that is own (collective bargaining) has defended in what seemed like a criticism aimed at CEOE and Cepyme, which are those that are represented in the negotiation tables with the government.
Despite opting for the route of agreements, from Pimec they do not close to address a change in the regulation of the day. “If we treat it at 360º we can speak it, we are social interlocutors, but not” explained Cañete, which has pointed out absenteeism, burdens and bureaucratic obstacles or the lack of productivity such as the other elements to put on the balance before dictating a reduction in the day that does not address the differences between sectors or territories.
Entrepreneurs have collected their position in a manifesto with the title ‘in defense of the rights of SMEs. The reduction of day does not! ‘ with which the signatories launch an “active movement” to transfer to companies and society as a whole “the severity of the situation” and the “great concern” they have regarding this measure. The event is one more step in the campaign promoted by Catalan business in fear that Carles Puigdemont’s party ends up providing his support as Díaz’s measure.
Conpymes and Pimec break with Díaz and press together to stop the reduction of day