The Second Vice President and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, opens to recover the aid for small and medium enterprises to adapt to the reduction of the day to 37.5 hours per week. In her speech at the opening of the Electoral Assembly of ATE, the work leader valued the aid to the SMEs that were raised from the Ministry during the negotiation of the reduction of the workday between the employer, the ministry and the unions, although they did not finally incorporated into the text since they did not reach an agreement and the employer ‘left’ the pact. Despite this, Díaz does not rule out recovering them: “I want to tell you, with total honesty, that I know very well that it does not impact the same way on an autonomous as a great businessman,” Díaz acknowledged.
In this sense, the Minister of Labor acknowledged that she herself is knowledgeable, “in her own flesh”, of the difficulties of the self -employed for her “double condition” of entrepreneur and worker, as a “kind of accordion.” In this sense, he assumed the importance of the debate and insisted that he knows that “it is not the same” the reduction of the day for an autonomous as for a large company. In addition, Díaz recalled that the aid to productivity for microenterprises that raised work in the negotiation had a value close to 350 million euros, “what had never been done so far.
In full negotiation, and to try to convince the CEOE to join the agreement to reduce the day, the Ministry of Labor raised the Pyme 375 plan, a series of direct aid to all companies under five workers to compensate for this reduction of 2.5 hours per week. The proposal was thought above all for four sectors in which most companies are SMEs of less than five workers, such as trade, hospitality, cleaning and hairdressers. The disbursement of these aid was designed to disburse up to 6,000 euros per company so that SMEs managed to improve their production and, through them, that about 370,000 would benefit.
In spite of the reluctance of the employer to reduce the working day, the second vice president remained firm in her defense of the measure and stressed that she will not only contribute to advance in the matter of conciliation, but to reinforce productivity and economy, thanks to the pull of consumption because people will have half an hour a day more: “This will also help, as I always say, and it is demonstrated economically, and it is demonstrated to the demand Internal, “he predicted.
In his speech, Díaz an extra pressure was added for the reduction to move forward and was willing to appear in the future if these improvements do not occur. “I say it honestly. If I am wrong, I will appear publicly and rectify. You already know me. But I am convinced that it will not be so,” said the vice president for a future vote in Congress.
Díaz opens to recover aid to small and medium enterprises to reduce the day