Tech neck is real (Picture:Getty Images/
Is there anything more embarrassing than catching yourself in the mirror while sitting at your desk and realising you look like an actual prawn?
Or when someone takes a video of you in a group setting, and you see yourself, neck bent forward, looking at your phone.
If sitting up straight without a back rest is almost impossible, don’t fret. We’ve got you!
The first step to fixing your bad posture is understanding what ‘bad’ posture actually is.
What is bad posture?
‘There are lots of different types of posture and a huge spectrum of normal,’ Helen O’Leary, physiotherapist and clinical director at Complete Pilates tells
‘Lots of people see ‘bad’ posture as being slouched forwards with rounded shoulders and a more forward head, which is often a result of spending long periods in the same position – slouching at a desk or bent forwards.’
Other causes of poor posture, she says, are obesity, regularly wearing high heels, being pregnant or being in pain.
How to fix bad posture
If we spend the majority of our time in one position, it’s guaranteed to lead to changes in our posture.
So, the solution to poor posture? Regular movement.
‘The most important thing to fix ‘bad’ posture is to keep moving,’ says Helen.
‘Even if you are sitting ‘perfectly’ at your desk, with all the alterations you need and a fab chair, often just the act of sitting still can lead to changes in our posture.
‘Short and sweet breaks can help you with this.’
Helen has shared four exercises you can do throughout the day to fix your posture.
Either do them all at once for a five-minute reset, or sprinkle them in whenever you feel like it to get in some extra movement. Don’t forget to take deep breaths!
Seated twist
To perform this stretch, have your hands either across your chest or on the same side chair arm.
Twist yourself round to face one direction so you feel a twist through your spine.
Hold it there for a few breaths and then go round to the other side and do the same thing. Try a couple on each side
Seated hamstring stretch
Sit on the front of your chair with one leg outstretched in front of you.
Relax the foot and hinge forwards at your hips, sending your tail behind you. Make sure to keep your back straight.
Likely, you won’t have to go too far to feel the stretch if you aren’t simply rounding over.
Hold for 15-30 secs and repeat on the other side.
This move is less about stretching and more about building the strength needed to keep you uptight.
Start by laying on your stomach with your hands by your side palms up.
Press your pubic bone into the floor and lift your arms and upper body off the floor so you are coming into active extension.
Pause at the top and keep your elbows straight.
Pulse the arms up and down. Repeat 10-12 pulses three to four times.
On all fours keep 60% of the weight in your legs.
Press into your hands to keep lifted away from the mat and slide one arm and the opposite leg away from you so you are coming up into a long straight line.
Pause there if you feel wobbly and work to stay still before slowly returning, alternating sides.
Repeat 8-10 times on each side.
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The secret to better posture is more movement.