The Agricultural Organization of Extremadura Asaja has demanded the Declaration of Catastrophic Zone in the areas of the Extremadura Campo that have been “seriously” affected by the recent “torrential rains.”
The president of Apag Extremadura Asaja, Juan Metidieri, has revealed the “urgency” of adopting “immediate” measures to alleviate the situation, mainly in the most affected areas, among which Jaraíz de la Vera (Cáceres) and the Pacenses regions of Vegas Altas, La Serena, South Campiña, among others, where the “force of the water has wreaked off, among others, where the” force of water has wreaked for both infrastructures. in agricultural farms. “
In this sense, it underlines the “significant damage” caused on roads, roads, bridges and irrigation booths, especially in the region of Vegas Altas, where “numerous” infrastructure have been “unusable”.
In addition, in some farms they have “started root olive trees”, while in others, fences and enclosures have been destroyed in “hundreds of meters, which represents a serious damage to the affected farmers and ranchers.”
The crops have also suffered the impact of the rains. Cereals and olive groves have “considerable damage”, and in the irrigation areas, the beginning of the work in crops such as tomato or fruit trees is being “delayed”, which generates a “great uncertainty” among the producers.
Open Extremadura Asaja points out that these problems are “a consequence of a reality that cannot be ignored”, such is the “abandonment” state of the rivers and streams channels. “The accumulation of weeds and the lack of cleanliness in these areas have aggravated the magnitude of the damage,” he says.
The organization denounces that, while farmers are sanctioned when they try to clean the channels, administrations have “opted for an environmental policy that prevents adequate maintenance.”
“If measures are not taken, natural disasters are those that end up cleaning and putting order,” says Metidieri. Faced with this situation, extinguisher Extremadura Asaja claims to the Board of Extremadura and the Government Delegation that take letters in the matter and coordinate with the affected municipalities for the declaration of catastrophic areas in the areas most harmed by rainfall.
“We cannot allow, after seeing the serious losses suffered in our farms, these damages are finally not recognized and the necessary aids for the recovery of the Extremaduran field are not granted,” concludes Metidieri.
From Open Extremadura Asaja insist on the “urgency” that administrations act with “responsibility and speed”, guaranteeing the rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure and supporting farmers and ranchers in this “difficult moment.”