Wildflowers are a great source of food for pollinators – and they look gorgeous (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
With summer around the corner, you’ve probably been thinking about getting the strimmer out and giving your garden a sunny makeover.
But, while manicured gardens look the part, letting yours grow a little wild may actually be better for the environment.
With the UK losing 97% of flower-rich meadows since 1970 – according to the charity Plantlife – back gardens are the next best option for biodiversity to thrive.
More wild gardens means more pollinators, like butterflies and bees, as well as support for the UK’s natural food chains.
Plantlife’s campaign No Mow May is encouraging anyone with a garden to resist cutting the lawn, at least until the end of the month, but that’s not the only thing you can do to help UK biodiversity.
How to make your garden into a safe haven for UK wildlife
Let weeds thrive for a little while (Picture: Getty Images)
Let grass grow long
Instead of mowing as soon as your grass gets longer, try mowing every four weeks, says Lucy Taylor, manager of Vine House Farm.
‘This will allow short-growing flowers to bloom,’ she says.
If you can’t leave your full lawn to grow, leave small sections to grow wild while keeping the rest clean and cut.
‘Patches of long grass at the edges of your lawn or in out-of-the-way spots mean you can have a presentable garden that still helps out the bees and butterflies,’ says Lucy.
Leave the weeds
‘Dandelions, in particular, are like a superfood for butterflies and bees – so try not to go for every weed you see, at least for a month,’ says Lucy.
‘Dandelion seeds are also a very important food source for some species of finch, including bullfinches.
‘This highlights how important it is to let weeds grow as every part of their life cycle is vital to your local wildlife’
Try leaving some patches of grass to grow wild if you can’t deal with a completely unruly garden (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Sow wildflowers and sunflowers
‘Wildflowers are low-maintenance, beautiful and helpful for pollinators,’ says Lucy.
Sunflowers are also a great source of pollen for bees and food for birds in later months.
She adds: ‘You can use wildflowers to either create a meadow in place of grass turf or plant them in borders to create space for pollinators.
‘If you feel you need to mow your grass during the month, creating space for wildflowers will ensure wildlife is still supported in some way.’
Not to mention, May is the perfect time to plant sunflowers and ensure you’ll be supporting wildlife for the rest of the summer.
Plant wild or ornamental grasses
‘If you don’t want to let your grass turf grow long,’ says Lucy, ‘you could opt for planting wild or ornamental grasses.’
According to Lucy, these grass variations grow long and wild in beautiful displays.
‘Their sturdy nature is particularly attractive for butterflies to lay their eggs, meaning birds like blackbirds will have caterpillars to eat,’ she adds.
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Check shrubs for nests before trimming
Finally, now is the time to begin pruning, but it’s vital you check for any nesting bird families before you start.
‘Nesting and fledgling season continues throughout May so a cursory inspection before using your shears is important,’ Lucy says.
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For those not clued-up, it’s No Mow May.