Four Extremadura companies will receive a total subsidy of 5.1 million euros within the Strategic Recovery and Economic Transformation Plan (PART) Agrifood II, after being included in the provisional approval of 40 new projects announced by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, worth 21.3 million euros in subsidies, with actions in 13 autonomous communities.
Among the winning companies, the selection of El Encinar de Haje, in Almaraz, was already announced with a subsidy of 2.9 million euros for a biodigester installation project for the waste management of the slaughterhouse and biogas production promoting a circular bioeconomy model.
In addition, Tomcoex is included in this agriculture, Miajadas; Nation Biotech, of Hervás; and Aceitunera del Norte de Cáceres, in Montehermoso, reports the Government delegation in a press release.
Tomcoex will receive a subsidy of 216,000 euros to implement new comprehensive systems for the increase in the efficiency of vegetable transformed processing. The aid to Nation Biotech will be 1.4 million euros for a comprehensive system of recovery and purification of residual solvents.
North Aceitune will receive 666,000 euros for the acquisition of new effluent evaporation equipment for the reuse and purification of water from the elaboration of the table olive. The total financing investment of these four projects exceeds 10.1 million euros.
The objective of this part, whose second call is endowed with 100 million euros, is to strengthen the competitiveness and resilience of the agri -food sector in Spain, favoring the use of quality and territorial roots of companies.
The Ministry of Industry and Tourism continues to evaluate projects presented to this second call until the 77 million remaining euros. The first call for the PARTE Agro awarded 182 million euros to 286 primary projects of 224 companies.
Four Extremadura companies will receive aid for a total of 5.1 million from agriculture II