Too good to be true
There’s no way that rumour about the ‘Xbox Prime’ is true, that’s far too good a name for Microsoft to come up with. It’ll be Xbox Two or Xbox 720 or Xbox Series Z.2 DX or some other nonsense that no normal person will ever remember properly. Although I don’t know why they never went with Xbox Infinite, to tie-in with the Halo game. That would even set up the one after to be Xbox Beyond.
See how much better I am than you at this, Microsoft? And I’m not a pretentious marketing drone being paid millions for suggesting the name Xbox One.
But seriously, I have no trouble believing that Microsoft is aiming for a next gen launch in 2026. People doubting it seem to forget that they’ve already announced they’re working on a new format. You don’t do that if you’re three years out.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they started hinting more about it with their first Xbox Direct of the year, with a reveal in summer or autumn. They’ll want to get a look at what the Switch 2 is first but other than that there is absolutely no reason not to try and sweep the Xbox Series X/S under the carpet and move on.
Predictably unexpected
Those Switch 2 mouse rumours seem pretty convincing, but the big question is what does Nintendo want it for? Better controls for shooters hardly seems like it would be a priority for them, although I guess there is Splatoon 4 to consider.
You could also imagine it being used for Pikmin 5, to make it more like a PC style real-time strategy game. Or maybe they just want to port a bunch of PC games in general? Nintendo games are never going to appear on PC but maybe Nintendo thinks they can have things the other way round. Like a previous reader said, they’d probably like to put a lid on Steam Deck before it becomes too big.
Whatever they use it for, it seems weird and unexpected, which is exactly what I’d want and expect from Nintendo.
Deserved success
Very glad to know that Resident Evil 4 remake is doing so well. As a fan of the original, I loved what they did with it and basically find it to be the perfect update. Hopefully it’ll also ensure that Resident Evil 9 is third person, as while it was an interesting experiment I really don’t feel the first person games added anything.
The only real reason for them would be to make them scarier but they weren’t particularly. At the same time they had the disadvantage of removing the character from the game. I know and love all the Resi regulars, but I still forget what whatshisface was called in the last two games.
Open world could go either way, but I’m more interested in learning what the setting is for Resident Evil 9. Did I hear someone mentioning vampires to follow the werewolves of Village?
GC: We think that was just a reader guessing. Technically, Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters were already implied to be a kind of vampire.
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Partially portable
Talking about the Xbox handheld, I’m not sure if some of these companies really understand the concept of portables. Acer just announced the Nitro Blaze 11, which has a… 11 inch screen. It’s massive, like a small laptop.
I’ve no idea how much it’s going to cost but it’s clearly going to be hugely expensive, but I don’t see the point? It’s a portable that’s not really portable and bound to be expensive enough that you could buy a great PC or console set-up instead.
Or am I underestimating the number of people that want to wander around with a giant tablet in their rucksack, just in case they want to play Fortnite on the train? Whatever Xbox is cooking up, I hope it’s something more practical.
The triple
I really hope that Platinum do manage to survive their staff problems as I’d hate to see them disappear. I guess you could say they already have but, as you point out, none of the Bayonetta games have had the same director so I do think there is a chance they could do a new game and it be just as good as before.
I’m not sure why Nintendo keep funding them, giving they never seem to sell, but as long as they do I’m happy to keep buying them. I’d love for an Astral Chain 2 too as well. The first was held back a little by the Switch’s hardware, so a Switch 2 sequel would be a great. Then why not go whole hog and commission Vanquish 2?
Third best
Having seen that Fumito Ueda is working on a new game, I got excited as I loved both Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus. I remembered that I hadn’t finished The Last Guardian. I did start the game back in 2016, but found it frustrating, but enough time had passed so I got the game out started up my PlayStation 4 and restarted the game.
I believe I was right back in 2016. Frustrating is an understatement. My swear box recently got very full. I was determined to get to the end this time, but it was a real test of my patience. Fiddly controls of the character (and why does he run on the spot like that?) and frustrating instruction to Trico, the bird/cat/dog companion. Why does Trico just walk off in the opposite direction to my command? Why has Trico just kicked me off the ledge/bridge? Continual repetition of the same gameplay? Repetition of Trico just clinging on with two feet after a longer jump time and time again. It needs greater variety.
Although The Last Guardian didn’t have much story, I believe it had too much. The beauty of both Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus was that the story was mostly left to the player’s imagination. Something that was also done beautifully in Journey, another of my favourites.
After my initial excitement at the announcement of a new Fumito Ueda game, I am now not too bothered. But I hope it’s a return to greatness.
PS: I do remember that Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus didn’t have perfect controls, it’s not a case of rose-tinted glasses.
GC: They also had very little variety in gameplay, but we agree that The Last Guardian is definitely the weakest of the three.
One in a million
If Notch is hoping to catch lightning in the bottle twice, with a new Minecraft style game, I really can’t see it working out. He’s just going to learn what every other live service wannabee already has: nobody’s got time for anything else, especially if it’s nothing new and just an existing game but slightly better.
I don’t think Microsoft/Mojang has done a particularly good job of shepherding Minecraft since they bought it but you can’t argue with the numbers, so I don’t see anything changing anytime soon.
If I’d made the world’s most popular video game, and made $2.5 billion from it, I think I’d want to do something more than the same thing again. Either that or just practice swimming in my money pit.
Old-fashioned Christmas
Happy new year to you GameCentral!
For the first time in over a decade I didn’t get a new game for Christmas. Usually, it’s a Pokémon or Dragon Quest title, but there just wasn’t anything this year. Left me sad, so I decided to try a few games from the past I’ve overlooked (note I now only have a Switch since I got rid of my PlayStation 4 due to never using it):
Dicey Dungeons: I really enjoyed it, but it was bloody difficult! Even the thief’s first level took me three goes until I accidentally turned my thief into a bear and then I ripped through it (I thought turning into a bear was a joke, it wasn’t, and lasted the entire run). Would recommend for those who like dice luck. Also, I saw it being called a roguelike, but as far as I can tell your character doesn’t improve between runs, so surely it’s just a rogue?
Ōkami: I just couldn’t do it. the talking goes on so long and so slowly and I can’t see a way of speeding it up. The combat is bland, the painting is inaccurate, I don’t see how this game is so highly rated (maybe you needed to play when it was released to appreciate it?) I got through the forest, but I’ve put it down and probably won’t go back.
Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 (well, only 1 so far): It’s pretty difficult to get to grips with but I’m getting there, I think? Didn’t start well, with the game telling me to move my character, but then not explaining I needed the D-pad instead of the analogue stick. I spent a good few minutes in the various menus trying to find the movement command before I realised! My bad. Afterwards I got on reasonably well, but I’m still on the fence about it. Is it compatible with Baldur’s Gate 3?
Tropico 6: I replayed it, gotta say this and Civilization 6 are my go-to games for downtime, I got the Llama Of Wall Street DLC and it’s changed the game massively!
Here’s hoping for a good year ahead!
GC: You didn’t fancy Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake? A roguelike is a game where you lose everything and have to start from scratch when you die. Although more modern examples often unlock some permanent elements, making them roguelites. Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2 are a quarter of a century older than 3, so there’s no compatibility on a technical level.
Inbox also-rans
I’m still shocked that NieR:Automata has been so successful and we’ve still heard nothing about a sequel. I know the creator is a bit eccentric but surely he likes money as much as anyone else?
GC: It’s never been officially announced, no. It’s debatable whether it’s been hinted at or not.
If we get a Nintendo Direct in January, right around the time people are hoping, and it’s still not about the Switch 2 I will literally be ROFL.
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Games Inbox: Is Xbox Prime a good name for the next gen console?