High growth companies (EAC) are those that have grown more than 20% per year in the last three years and have a minimum of 10 employees. In Spain there are 15,276 EAC, which congregate 35% of the total turnover of Spanish companies with 567,947 million euros. In addition, these types of societies create 1,280,096 of jobs. Jordi Esteve, responsible partner of Strategy of PWC, acknowledges that “these types of societies represent their own ecosystem in an environment in Spain in which we have a lack of business size,” Esteve confirmed in the presentation analysis of high growth companies in Spain: challenges and opportunities prepared by South Summit in collaboration with PWC.
By sectors, the manufacturing industry is the one that has a largest number of EAC, with 3,278, followed by trade, 2,897, and construction 2,409. On the other side of the balance are health activities, with 323 high -growth societies, agriculture, livestock and fishing with 536 and hospitality, with 851.
Although companies are divided by sectors, Alberto Tornero, partner of the PWC high growth companies, acknowledges that one of the challenges is to end this division and catalog the EAC in their own segment for their own growth characteristics.
In addition, Esteve has confirmed that internationalization and the capacity for innovation and digitalization are fundamental in the growth of these companies. In this sense, the EAC export seven times more than the average of Spanish companies. 35% of societies of this type market with foreign countries, while from the rest of the companies only 5% do so.
On the other hand, it is essential for these companies to identify, acquire and implement differential technology that offers significant advantages in the market, thus creating alliances with digital entities and developing new products and services, satisfying the needs of customers and opening new opportunities to the market.
By autonomous communities, those with the greatest impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem are those concentrating most of the EAC. In this sense, Madrid is the region that has a greater impact by congregating 2,873 EAC, followed by Barcelona with 2,592 and Andalusia, which has 2,087 registered.
High growth companies represent 35% of total turnover with 500,000 million