Inspirational female leaders of 2020 - Sheikh Hasina Wajed of Bangladesh
WTX has nominated its most inspirational female leaders of 2020 and Sheikh Hasina Wajed was chosen to be the first on the list and one of the reasons why we decided to put her ahead of everyone else, is because of longevity. She has been defiant against the male-dominated Bangladeshi country.
The most Inspirational female leaders of 2020
Sheikh Hasina Wajed is one of the most famous female leaders in history. Wajed is the longest-serving prime minister in the history of Bangladesh and is currently serving her fourth term. Hasina plans to focus on issues such as food security and access to education and healthcare.
An ongoing struggle of Hasina has been creating a firm and lasting democracy in Bangladesh.
She is part of political dynasty which began with her father. Dating back to when Bangladesh was known as East Paksitan.
While at the University of Dhaka in the late 1960s, she was involved in politics and served as her father’s political liaison during his imprisonment by the Pakistani government.
What makes a woman inspirational?
Despite the country’s obvious adversity to female leaders, under her stewardship the economy of Bangladesh grown steadily, despite the political disorder which defines 3rd world political systems.
What makes Hasina inspirational is that she is the first prime minister since independence to complete a full five-year term. To be able to continuously dominate a male-dominated sociological and political infrastructure is incredible, to do it 4 times is amazing. Not everyone will agree with her politics but as an individual leader, no-one can discount her achievements.
An ongoing struggle of Hasina has been establishing a firm and lasting democracy in Bangladesh.
Hasina is the daughter of Bangladesh’s first President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the eldest of his five children. Her political career has spanned more than four decades. She previously served as Opposition Leader from 1986 to 1990, and 1991 to 1995, then as Prime Minister from 1996 to 2001. She has been leading the Bangladesh Awami League (AL) since 1981.
In 2008, she returned as Prime Minister with a landslide victory. In January 2014, she became Prime Minister for a third term in an unopposed election, as it was boycotted by the Opposition, and criticised by international observers. She won a fourth term in December 2018, following an election marred with violence and criticised by the Opposition as being rigged.
Sheikh Hasina Wajed net worth?
Sheikh Hasina salary is based on her role as Prime Minister of Bangladesh. But her net worth has been derived from years of investments and work in private interests. Sheikh Hasina Wajed net worth quoted as
What is the salary of Sheikh Hasina?
According to the Dhaka Tribune in Jan 2019: Sheikh Hasina Wajed had a salary of 115,000 taka ($1400) per annum plus 100,000 taka for rent of the official residence plus a 3,000 daily allowance.
Additionally, she receives 1.500,000 taka as a grant as well as the perks of Medical expenses and transportation costs of the Bangladeshi Prime Minister which are provided by the Bangladeshi government.
How many times has Sheikh Hasina become prime minister?
Hasina was elected prime minister for the first time in June 1996. Hasina remained in office, to complete a full five-year term in 2001.
Following her return to power in 2008, Wajed swept a solid majority into the parliament. In January 2014, she became Prime Minister for a third term.
In 2017, in the midst of Hasina’s premiership, the government received praise for their voluntary work on Rohingya. She won a fourth term in December 2018.
Where does the Prime Minister of Bangladesh live?
The Prime Minister of Bangladesh lives in the official Government provided residence. Prime Minister’s Office Old Sangsad Bhaban Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215 Bangladesh
What is a strong woman quote?
“It seems to be impossible to hold a credible election without reforming the electoral system” – quote by Sheikh Hasina Wazed
Sheikh Hasina is recognized globally
Sheikh Hasina Wajed is considered one of the most powerful women in the world, ranking 26th on Forbes‘ list of The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women in 2018, and 30th in 2017. She has also made a list of “top 100 Global Thinkers” of the present decade.
Hasina is a member of the Council of Women World Leaders, an international network of current and former female presidents and prime ministers. Sheikh Hasina was included in Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World of 2018.
How can I contact the Prime Minister of Bangladesh?
Telephone 9127485
Postal Address
Prime Minister’s Office Old Sangsad Bhaban Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215 Bangladesh
Your Vote Counts

At WTX News we believe in listening to our audience. And to make it as fair as possible we will give you the opportunity to pick the best out of 15 women who changed or made an impact on the world in 2020. There are no losers in this list, but we would like to create an order, so don’t forget to vote for your favourite.
What does an inspirational woman mean for you? Leave your comments below or on our social media. Make sure to stay tuned to find out who are the other 14 candidates for the – most powerful woman in the world of 2020 – award.