The pigeon Flamingo died after being rescued malnourished (Picture: Facebook/Wild Bird Fund)
A pigeon that is believed to have been dyed pink for a party has died, likely from the resulting toxins.
The pink pigeon made headlines last week after a wildlife rehabilitation organization rescued it and shared that they were trying to nurse it back from malnourishment.
‘We are deeply sad to report that Flamingo, our sweet pink pigeon, has passed away,’ the Wild Bird Fund wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.
‘Despite our best efforts to reduce the fumes coming off the dye, while keeping him calm and stable, he died in the night. We believe his death was caused by inhaling the toxins.’
The pigeon was rescued by an individual in New York City’s Madison Square Park. According to Wild Bird Fund, it was a domestic king pigeon that was released in the wild, and not equipped to survive.
All-white pigeons are ‘not for weddings, funerals, celebrations, art projects, anything. (We’d hope that “don’t dye them” goes without saying, but…) They will starve or be preyed on,’ the organization wrote last week.
After the pink pigeon’s death, Wild Bird Fund thanked followers for suggestions and expressions of goodwill.
‘Flamingo’s story sparked a lot of emotion and generated interest from around the world,’ said the organization. ‘We hope the tale of his too-short life will help prevent more acts of careless cruelty.’
A domestic king pigeon died after being dyed pink (Picture: Wild Bird Fund/Phyllis Tseng)
It was likely raised for food, malnourished and ‘barely older than a baby’, Wild Bird Fund wrote.
‘Even without the added complication of the toxic dye, he would not have survived in a city park as a white, helpless bird.’
The organization again warned against dyeing birds to entertain human celebrations.
‘”Dove releases” sound romantic, but take away the decorations and Instagram photos, and they are the equivalent of dumping your helpless pets on the side of the road,’ said Wild Bird Fund. ‘This is no way to celebrate anything.’
The Wild Bird Fund ended its post on Tuesday with: ‘Rest in peace, sweet bird.’
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The pink pigeon had been rescued and was being nursed back from malnourishment.