Rooms are up to rent for £35 a night at some of the Prince of Wales’s holiday homes (Picture: / PA)
Prince William is renting out his luxury cottages for less than the price of a Travelodge room.
The Prince of Wales rents out dozens of holiday homes through his £1 billion Duchy of Cornwall estate to holidaymakers in the UK.
Prices on the five-star properties have now been slashed as families struggle to afford a summer holiday, according to the Mirror.
Dozens of deals are now on offer with the Prince hoping to get fully booked up for August and September.
A week in one of his Cornish cottages now costs as little as £980 for four, which works out at just £35 per person per night – cheaper than a budget Travelodge hotel.
The two-bed barn conversion at Diggery Restormel Manor in Fowey Valley is one of the Prince’s properties (Picture: Duchy of Cornwall)
The Restormel Manor has had its price cut by £2,328 for the last week in August
Wills’ property portfolio includes historic manors and secluded country cottages in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
Three of his properties in Lostwithiel – Diggery, Staniforth and Hext – have all been reduced.
The 685-year-old Duchy Estate holds 0.2% of the land in the UK.
It also finances William and his wife Kate’s official duties. The most elegant of its holiday lets, the nine-bed Restormel Manor in the Fowey Valley, has had its price cut by £2,328 for the last week in August.
It now costs £517 per person to stay – or just £73 per night.
The 500-year-old property boasts an indoor heated pool and spa, its own tennis court and a fishing licence for the local river.
One previous guest at the Cornish manor wrote online: ‘We could not fault the comfort in any way, it was totally wonderful in every respect.’
The price cuts come as families decide to holiday at home this summer due to the cost of living crisis.
The Duchy of Cornwall was approached for comment.
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