The Guardian says Boris Johnson has been forced to abandon efforts to block an inquiry into whether he misled MPs over Partygate lockdown breaches.
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What are the 3 main political parties in UK?
Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats.
What political type is the UK?
The United Kingdom is a Constitutional Monarchy in which the reigning monarch (that is, the king or queen who is the head of state at any given time) does not make any open political decisions. All political decisions are taken by the government and Parliament.
Who runs England?
The Prime Minister is the leader of Her Majesty’s Government and is ultimately responsible for all policy and decisions. The Prime Minister also: oversees the operation of the Civil Service and government agencies.
Is the UK a two party system?
The two party system in the United Kingdom allows for other parties to exist, although the main two parties tend to dominate politics; in this arrangement, other parties are not excluded and can win seats in Parliament.
BBC News says the government will attempt to delay a decision over an investigation into whether Boris Johnson misled MPs about lockdown parties.
Boris Johnson apology: Is it time for PM to go? How the national media has reacted to the PM’s repeated apologies over breaking laws.
Pinocchio Prime Minister apologises, but is it finally time for him to go? -‘He doesn’t care about the truth’
PMQs today – PM to face MPs again this week, Partygate is expected to be top of the agenda as well as the Ukraine war.
Daily Mirror says Tory Jacob Rees-Mogg tonight told Andrew Marr people should “get a sense of perspective” over Partygate fines after the broadcaster opened up about his dad’s death while Boris Johnson’s team partied.
Daily Mirror says Boris Johnson is set to order Tory MPs to block an investigation into claims he lied to parliament over Partygate.
The Guardian says Keir Starmer called the prime minister “a man without shame” during furious exchanges in parliament as MPs prepared to vote on whether Boris Johnson should be investigated for lying about the Partygate scandal.
BBC News says Boris Johnson has faced fury in the Commons after receiving a fine from the police for breaking lockdown laws.
The Daily Express says INDIA “is not going to change its stance on Russia at the moment” and Boris Johnson is “definitely going to raise it” during his visit to the country, according to a journalist.
The Independent says Vulnerable child refugees arriving in the UK are a “very significant risk” of being inadvertently shipped to Rwanda under Priti Patel’s new asylum deal, charities have warned.
The Guardian says Labour has said it would insulate 2m houses within a year to slash bills and reduce reliance on Russian gas, accusing Boris Johnson of a “shameful” failure to stop Britain’s homes leaking heat.
The Guardian says civil servants will be told to return to their desks to ensure government department offices are running at “full capacity”, according to reports.
BBC News says Boris Johnson is expected to apologise to MPs after being fined for breaking lockdown rules – as he argues there are more important issues to focus on.
A fresh report suggests prime minister Boris Johnson instigated one of the No 10 parties that he denied attending, according to Labour.
Priti Patel has hit back at the critics who slammed the government’s plan to send some asylum seekers to Rwanda.
The Archbishop of Canterbury is expected to say the government’s controversial plan to send some asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda is “the opposite of the nature of God.”
The Sun says THE Met Police’s Partygate probe was branded a “total farce” last night as allies rallied around stricken PM Boris Johnson.
BBC News says a Conservative peer has resigned as a justice minister over Covid law-breaking in Downing Street.
The Independent says Boris Johnson looked set to avoid an initial fallout from becoming the first prime minister to be hit with criminal sanctions while in office over a birthday bash held for him in Downing Street against Covid rules.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak will be fined by the police for attending parties during lockdown.
The Metro says a Conservative MP has been strongly criticised for branding the conviction of a fellow Tory for sexually assaulting a teenage boy ‘an international scandal’.
The Independent says Conservative MP Crispin Blunt has been branded “disgraceful” after he came to the defence of Imran Ahmad Khan.
The Guardian says MPs have expressed outrage over comments made by the Conservative MP Crispin Blunt about the guilty verdict in Imran Ahmad Khan’s sexual assault trial.
BBC News says Conservative MP Crispin Blunt is facing criticism after defending a fellow Tory MP convicted of sexual assault.