She’s barely old enough to legally drink – but this 18-year-old is now running the show (Picture: SWNS)
A teenager may well have become the youngest landlady in Britain after she was handed the reins at a village pub.
Rheanna Geraghty is barely able to legally drink a pint in a pub but now she’s in charge of the whole place.
The 18-year-old is running the 17th century Waggon and Horses in the village of Steeple Morden, Cambridgeshire.
She started working there at 16 and has quickly risen through the ranks after previous landlord, Chris Collier, took on a second pub in Redhill, Surrey and needed someone else to take over.
He was struggling to find the right person to run the pub but was able to turn to the enterprising teenager – and Chris believes he has hired the UK’s youngest landlord.
Rheanna, from Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire, admitted she was shocked she landed the role having only turned 18 eight months ago, but is very proud of her title.
She said: ‘My boss always said how natural I am around the pub, and now he’s bought another pub, he’s not around as much.
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Rheanna Geraghty is the new landlady at the Waggon and Horses pub in Steeple Morden in Cambridgeshire (Picture: SWNS)
‘So he’s put me in charge, which feels weird considering I’m only just the legal age to drink.
‘But now I do, I’d say my favourite drink is prosecco and my favourite shot is a baby Guinness.’
Rheanna first became a waitress at the Waggon and Horses after her GCSEs to earn money throughout the summer.
Since then, she’s been working there while studying beauty therapy at Cambridge Regional College, but her course is set to finish in June.
After coming of legal age in September last year, Rheanna was able to start working behind the bar and Chris was impressed by how quickly she got the hang of things.
Previous landlord, Chris Collier, says he was impressed with how quickly Rheanna got the hang of running a pub (Picture: SWNS)
As a result, he decided in March she should be the one to carry the baton and she’s now able to get started in her new role after obtaining her personal holders licence which legally allows her to supply alcohol.
Rheanna said: ‘Chris still owns the pub but I’m just running it. I’ve always really enjoyed it here and I know how everything works from being here for two years.
‘My favourite part about the job is when the pub is full and everyone is happy. I like being constantly busy.
‘The staff and the regulars respect me and are really supportive – they want to see both me and the pub do well.
Rheanna is already putting her own stamp on the pub by serving customers a new menu and winelist (Picture: SWNS)
‘My plan is to work as a beauty therapist in the day and work in the pub in the evenings.
‘At first I was a bit nervous about taking on the responsibility of it all, but that’s passed now. Everything’s going well.
‘Working at the pub has completely changed my life with the people and the relationships I have.
‘And my family are my biggest supporters – they couldn’t be prouder of me.’
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Outgoing landlord Chris Collier, added: ‘I’m extremely proud of Rheanna who is a very strong young independent woman.
‘She is already pushing forward with her own vision for the Waggon which includes the hiring of a new chef, new menus, and wine lists.
‘Rheanna is not only the Waggon’s youngest ever landlady but possibly the youngest landlady in the UK at the age of 18.’
It’s a joy to see the pub thriving with its young landlady, with many suffering amid the cost of living crisis.
More than 150 pubs have already shut for good in England and Wales so far this year, with skyrocketing energy bills being blamed.
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She’s barely allowed to legally drink in a pub… but now she’s the boss.