The Mail on Sunday – Security chiefs: PM kept in dark by aide Sue Gray
Prime Minister Keir Starmer is being denied vital security briefings because his chief of staff Sue Gray is blocking access to him, senior Whitehall sources have claimed to The Mail on Sunday. They have accused Ms Gray of ‘thinking she runs the country’, suggesting that even Cabinet Secretary Simon Case has been forced to ask her permission to speak to the Prime Minister.
Today’s news summary – Paper Talk
If you are someone who reads every perspective of a story, here is a news summary of all of today’s front pages from today’s newspapers; summarised in a 2-minute read

Editorial 11 August 2024.
There are various leads on the Sunday front pages, with the tribute to Bebe King being one of the most dominant for the tabloids. Most papers feature some UK riot-related story on their front splash.
Ongoing coverage of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and showbiz stories are also featured on the front splashes. There’s a little domestic politics news as well though not the focus of the papers.