The Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Elena Manzano, said this Thursday, March 13, that Extremadura will not participate in the payment of the “Catalan Festival” with the deception of the “foronation” of the debt offered by the Government of Spain to the Autonomous Communities.
Manzano has appeared in the assembly at his own request to explain the issues discussed in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council of February 26 and has stressed that “condoning is forgiving and nothing is forgiven” since, he added, “the debt does not disappear, it does not evapo, it is assumed by the State and the State We are all.”
“The Extremaduras are going to pay as Spaniards much more than we owe as Extremadura,” he explained.
In this way, the fact that the State assumes that debt will cause “Extremaduras to pay as Spaniards 68 million euros more than we owed as Extremadura,” Manzano stressed, “and 500 euros more than a Catalan.”
“We assume a Catalan debt and pay it with everyone’s money. It is everyone’s money,” he insisted while recalling that we must also endure that the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, “threatens us with the provision of public services as important as health and education.”
The Minister of Finance and Public Administration has indicated that Airef has spoken on this matter and stressed that “from here we are not going to get any cent to being able to spend in our region” and, in addition, Airef points out that if you want to talk about this “we must talk about regional financing, something we are looking forward to talking about.”
Manzano has defended that for that, the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council was created, for the proper coordination of the financial activity of the State and the Autonomous Communities “and the February 26 meeting did not include any mention of the regional financing system.”
Bank tax
Manzano has explained that another of the matters that was part of the CPFF day order was the approval of the Agreement on the Distribution of the Collection obtained by the Tax on the Margin of Interest and Commissions of certain financial entities, the so -called Bank Tax.
It is a tax that is regulated in Law 7/2024 approved at the end of 2024 and with which the State hopes to raise 1.7 billion euros that will be distributed to the territories that the largest gross domestic product (GDP).
“It is to charge the rich, who are the banks, to give it to the richest regions. They approve a law that breaks with the constitutional principles that govern taxation and that does not respect the connection points on which the transfer of taxes has been built,” he criticized.
With this form of distribution of this tax Catalonia will receive 346 million euros, while Extremadura will receive 30, “is this a fair cast?” The counselor has been asked.
“The connection points are linked to tribute, they have to be connected to it, they cannot be elements outside the same and, much less, something as unfair as the richest,” he explained.
In this sense, Manzano has stressed that the distribution of this tax “bankrupt the principles of equality, justice and progressivity” and, in addition, he added, “there are no precedents.”
“I want rigor and seriousness in the regulation of yielded taxes and that is not the norm they have approved,” he said.
It must be remembered that, as President María Guardiola announced, the regional government will present an appeal for unconstitutionality to do justice.