Average price of property in November was £285,579, down 2.3% from £292,406 in October
House prices in the UK fell by 2.3% in November, according to Halifax, the largest monthly drop on its index since the beginning of the financial crash in 2008.
The fall is the third in a row, and means the average house price last month was £285,579, down from £292,406 in October.
​Average price of property in November was £285,579, down 2.3% from £292,406 in OctoberHouse prices in the UK fell by 2.3% in November, according to Halifax, the largest monthly drop on its index since the beginning of the financial crash in 2008.The fall is the third in a row, and means the average house price last month was £285,579, down from £292,406 in October. Continue reading…Â