In Scotland, the country’s highest civil court ruled that the UK government acted lawfully in blocking Holyrood’s controversial Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) bill (GRR). This was a sensational victory for Scottish feminists, in fact for feminists everywhere including the Alba Party’s women’s convenor Dr Yvonne Ridley.
Here she writes exclusively for WTX News explaining why MSPs voting to make it easier for people to change their legally recognised sex were wrong.
Alba Women’s Convenor – Victory for Scottish feminists
I find little festive cheer in the Scottish Government’s latest high-profile, costly court debacle over Holyrood’s foolish gender reform bill and have spent the last day wondering just how Scotland got itself into yet another fine mess, (as Oliver Hardy would say.)
What Scotland’s women want for Christmas is a selection box of common sense and clarity from the government but sadly, I feel we will be waiting a very long time because of the intellectual laziness and hubris shown by ministers and their special advisers who’ve cooked up these disasters.
MSPs spanked by the High Court
Had they bothered to talk to real women – cervix holders to be blunt – they would never have embarked on such an ill-conceived mission as the Gender Reform Recognition Bill or Self ID.
I do find myself in a paradox supporting Westministers intervention whilst seeking independence
Had they listened to women from the many women’s rights groups in Scotland they would never have embarked on pushing ahead with this insanity.
And had most of the politicians in the SNP, Labour, LibDems, and Greens shown any sort of backbone they would have told the then Empress at the time, Nicola Sturgeon, that she needed new clothes.
What we want and need are common-sense solutions to laws
That slice of common sense is freely available on the doorsteps of any scheme or housing estate in Scotland, proffered by women who know the pain and burden of being a woman, and raising a family while being challenged daily by fuel and food poverty. Very often she is the glue that keeps families together.
Many of these women, a large number of Alba supporters, were dismayed to see the Gender Reform Bill passed into law after gaining cross-party support in Holyrood, by 86 votes to 39 after a highly-charged debate.
Today (Friday), judges ruled that the UK government acted lawfully in blocking Scotland’s gender self-ID reforms which would have made it easier for people to change their legally-recognised sex.
Scottish government’s legal challenge to the veto has been rejected
The Court of Session in Edinburgh has now rejected a Scottish government legal challenge to the veto which gives the Scottish government 21 days to decide whether it wants to appeal against the ruling, and the case could ultimately end up in the Supreme Court in London.
Women across Scotland will imagine that common sense will prevail … frankly, I’m not so sure.
It’s nearly a year since rapist Isla Bryson was sent to women’s prison, a decision which many believe advanced the demise of former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, the architect of the GRR fiasco.
Despite this, the Scottish Prison Service has come up with another new gender bender policy which means that from February 26 next year, trans women will be barred from the female estate if convicted of crimes that harmed women.

Beyond the headlines, it transpires transgender criminals may have a reprieve
However, reading beyond the headlines, it transpires transgender criminals may have a reprieve, including those with a history of violence against women, may be eligible to be admitted to women’s prisons if there is ‘compelling evidence’ that they do not pose an ‘unacceptable risk of harm’.
But who is to say what is compelling and what is acceptable?
Can we remain silent and leave female prisoners are at the mercy of a State devoid of common sense? This new policy satisfies no one. No matter what good intentions are behind assurances of safety, we simply should not make an exception for trans women. We have a duty to protect and keep women safe and that is a pledge we in Alba take seriously and will not compromise.
Speaking to the BBC last week, Justice Secretary Angela Constance explained that the new policy protected the ‘safety and welfare’ of staff and prisoners and the ‘rights of transgender people’.
She may be right but as a feminist I do not believe, and no one will convince me otherwise, that women should not have their rights swept aside in favour of another group.
Common sense tells us that trans women are male, and female prisoners have an absolute right to single-sex accommodation
That does not mean we in Alba regard every trans woman as a sex pest or should be treated in any way as lesser beings, but their demands and needs must not be conflated or confused with women’s.
Common sense tells us that trans women are male, and female prisoners have an absolute right to single-sex accommodation just as women everywhere have a right to safe spaces from men whether it’s in a changing room or toilet.
Surely, the Scottish Prison Service could provide a special unit or even designate a prison to house only transgender convicts? There must be a solution or Plan B to this dilemma.
If Holyrood cared for all women in the same way as it says it cares for trans women I doubt I’d be writing this article now.
What is Next for First Minister Humza Yousaf

Common sense tells us there should always be a Plan B but I suspect the current First Minister Humza Yousaf is without one, judging from the way he has dealt with the ongoing ferry fiasco, the lack of urgency to put together a rescue package to save Scotland’s last oil refinery, improve cancer and mental health care plus falling education standards.
Scottish Government has ratcheted up a legal bill of £230,000
However, he does have two choices. He either turns his back on the destructive Bute House Agreement and consigns the GRR Bill to the bin for good (along with the Greens) or, he opts for a lengthy and expensive appeal which will no doubt please the legal eagles who are getting fat and rich advising Holyrood clients.
The first option will benefit all of us but the second will cost us dearly. Lawyers don’t come cheap and so far the Scottish Government has ratcheted up a legal bill of £230,000 on the GRR alone.
As it stands, anyone over the age of 18 who wishes to legally change gender must apply to a gender recognition panel of legal or medical professionals, to obtain a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
Scotland’s SNP-led government wanted a different system and first consulted on reforming gender laws in 2017 and again in 2019. After the 2021 Scottish parliament election which saw the SNP reliant on the Scottish Greens it introduced a Gender Recognition Reform bill.
What puzzles me is exactly who did the Scottish Government consult? It certainly wasn’t the women from Motherwell, Coatbridge, or Govan and beyond.
Regardless of their political leanings, these women can spot bad policies, bad laws, weak politicians, and naked emperors a mile off.
New laws should protect the weak, help the poor, improve education and health care, defend families, and provide for policies that reflect concepts of value for the common good.
PM Rishi Sunak in Westminster is facing a similar losing battle
Sadly, it looks as though the current UK PM Rishi Sunak in Westminster is facing a similar losing battle with his determination to ship migrants off to Rwanda.
Both Sunak and Yousaf are experiencing their souffle or Scottish pudding moments: when you put a souffle or pudding in the oven, the air bubbles will heat up and make the mixture expand upwards. As soon as the temperature falls though, i.e. when you take it out of the oven, the souffle and pudding is doomed to start falling.
The bigger crime is trying to reheat one and this is exactly what Yousaf is in danger of doing with GRR – it won’t work, ask the women in Motherwell.
Sadly the SNP Government has already put its plans for independence into cold storage which is why we in the Alba Party are the only realistic way of getting our independence.
What this latest fiasco has shown is the need for independence so we can live in a country where we can pass our own laws, common sense laws crafted by our own people including the women who won’t wheesht!
Well done to all my sisters and comrades who battled through the bigotry to victory. Sadly, I feel we may have to be forever vigilant … this isn’t over yet!