Here’s what to expect… (Picture: Metro/Getty)
Whether it’s a fresh start, a clean slate, or a complete transformation, there’s no denying change makes life exciting.
Capricorn, The New Moon ushers in new experiences, and if you’ve felt like you’ve needed a change, this lunar phase will deliver it.
Aries, with Uranus adding its innovative, unpredictable, experimental nature to the mix, don’t be surprised if these opportunities come spontaneously.
Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ horoscopes for today: Thursday January 11, 2024.
March 21 to April 20
Whatever you launch over the next day or so is not to be taken lightly, Aries. A potent New Moon and its link to Uranus suggest that a new beginning is very much on the cards. You may feel like trying for a new job or contract that could increase your income, and it might happen on the spur of the moment. Other factors chime in, which means your confidence is soaring.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21
A potent influence can bring on a sense of excitement and encourage new experiences. It’s time to blaze your own trail rather than go with the tried and trusted, as this is a time when you can shine. Today’s potent lunar phase ushers in a new beginning, and could be a call to run with an opportunity that fires you up. The coming days increase your enthusiasm, so don’t hold back!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21
An issue concerning business or finance may need addressing. With savvy handling, you could feel a lot more positive about this than you have in some time. Today’s New Moon aligns with Uranus, so change is inevitable and embracing it can seem daunting. And yet you’ll realize the potential open to you if you do. Solving this matter might allow you to move to a higher level.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23
Today’s revolutionary New Moon may cause a stir, and could be the reason a relationship reaches a critical point. And yet with other aspects looking so positive, the decisions you make can be to your benefit. Whether you’re taking on a challenge or are turning over another leaf, a new confidence and sense of freedom might emerge. Ready to find closure on an issue? Do it now!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23
The Capricorn New Moon could be a call to embrace opportunities that are just what you’ve been looking for. This might mean rearranging your routine. But if you can do more of what you love, then why not? Something may catch your eye, and it might be so interesting you’ll want to drop everything and go for it. Good things can happen if you do, as you certainly won’t look back.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23
With a potent influence on the field, the coming days encourage fresh developments. Waiting for the best time to start something new? Whether a love affair, a creative project or entrepreneurial idea, it could be extremely engaging. Be bold Virgo, as you’ll have nothing to lose and everything to gain. And once you dip your toe in, you’ll be eager to go so much further.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23
Anything linked to the home, family and your roots, can gain in importance over coming days and weeks. A decision to move, expand your family or even explore your family history, may bring new possibilities and ideas into the open. Acting on one bright idea might alter your future. No matter what plans you have, it’s time to remake your domestic life as you want it, Libra.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22
Information or good news may show up, which means you’ll be less prone to worry. Equally, a bond could develop with someone who has advice to share that you can use to your advantage. Today’s far-reaching New Moon in Capricorn might be a turning point, as a conversation may see things shift in a good way. Signing something? Check it out first. Don’t rush into anything.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21
With a powerful lunar phase linking to Uranus, finances may change for the better. The bigger picture suggests staying alert for chances to enhance your income. Plus, there might be some news over coming days concerning another potential new beginning. Keen to launch your own enterprise? The opportunity could be there, but have a plan before you make your move, Archer.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21
Today’s New Moon in your sign aligns with radical Uranus, bringing uplifting opportunities and events into your life. If you’ve felt like a change, this lunar phase can deliver. Furthermore, it’s a call to be authentic and true to your purpose. And it’s also time to let go of anything that no longer serves your interests, creating more open doors and sizzling experiences for you.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19
A realization could pierce a bubble of illusion and awaken you to a new sense of purpose. Something you felt would make you happy might now leave you complacent. Conversely, an idea may appear or show itself in a dream that fills you with great excitement. You can sense that change is in the air, Aquarius. Even so, don’t try to force it, allow it to take its course.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20
Great things can happen when you join groups that are linked with your interests or the causes you support. The New Moon suggests that doing so could bring a new wave of energy into your life so that the whole dynamic changes. But a shift is looking highly likely in other areas too, especially when it comes to upgrading your mindset. Success may come more easily.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
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‘If you’ve felt like a change, this lunar phase can deliver.’