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The Times of India and China Times daily

Today's news Briefing
News Briefing Service

WTX News World News Briefing Service is a carefully constructed news service collected by intelligent humans (not Bots who push propaganda) to give you a snapshot of the news from the most important news from around the world.

It covers the News headlines, special reports and the developing local stories. We compare news from  different languages to make sure nothing is lost in translation.

We also provide a summary from broadcasters who produce the news, so you can be assured we wont miss anything and neither will you.

Our Global Coverage

It includes headlines from News sources like the BBC and The News  Briefing Papers, CNN PR Newswire services and GEO News from Pakistan, Arab News from the middle east, as well Al Jazeera News and Al Arabiya. 

We even go down to the South Pacific and cover news from Japan Times, China daily and in the northern hemisphere RT News and so many more.

A Network of Journalists and Editors

We have journalists and news partners all over the globe, whose job it is daily to organise and create the news stories, so our editorial team can deliver your news briefing to you in an orderly & timely fashion.

No one cares more about the News than us.

If the news matters to you, then you have the perfect source. If the truth matters to you then you have WTX News.

Daily Rundown of the News

We provide a daily service, it’s not complicated, briefly compiled and succinctly organised so you can read in less than 5 minutes. Your daily news briefing. Where are a few of the stories to look our for today.

How does it work?

This is a news service designed and formulated to give our readers the latest breaking news without having to scour the web and searching for the latest news from around the world.

Read all the News from the treasured News Sources

Watch the latest news summary from BBC World News. And from the Guardian, Euro News  and other International news sources updated 24 hours a day.

World News Aggregation 

It is all the news you need to start your day. Sign up here to get the briefing emailed direct to you every weekday.

We do all the hard work and search all the main news global websites and pick the news that will interest you. With one additional service, we provide you all the relevant links and sources so you can check and verify the story yourself, should you need to.

We aren’t like a news aggregator app, because we don’t push any propaganda, we just want to keep you informed and in the process ensure that you can cut through all the fake news and fake sites to the news you need and want.

What makes us different?

Our unique approach isn’t available anywhere else, we work to give you full transparency in the news.

That means you can trust the source of the information as well the links we provide, and in most cases we will always give you a few varying opinions of the same story.