Get ready for a new month (Picture: Getty/
This brings with it both a New Moon (November 15) and Venus (November 21) in Scorpio, meaning things could certainly get intense in love and social interactions.
Thanks to Mercury, Mars and Neptune all turning direct, however, blocks around negotiations, energy levels and inspiration will all fall away.
Sagittarius season begins on November 21 too, broadening your horizons with the sign’s natural tendencies to explore – both literally and figuratively.
Ahead you’ll find your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of November, with three tarot cards drawn and their meaning for you explained.
March 21 to April 20
Aries, you’re powering forward in November (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Aries for November: The Star, The Chariot, Queen of Wands
Meaning: Busy month ahead
Bold, proactive and confident cards this November, Aries, so expect a swashbuckling, powerful month ahead. The Star is a wish-come-true vibe and invites you to make a wish and take overt steps in its direction, and what you want will be delivered! The higher you aim, the better the outcome.
The Chariot and Queen of Wands are both ‘movement’ cards, so perhaps a journey, holiday, trip, outings, home move or location change is on the cards; maybe even a new vehicle or mode of transport. You are assessing your position and deciding you want to broaden your horizons and strike out for a new territory or scene. New landscape = new opportunity. You are ready to see more of the world and tick off your bucket list places.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21
Don’t overthink things this month (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Taurus for November: Page of Wands, Queen of Coins, Nine of Wands
Meaning: Busy month ahead
Take the wheel this month and target your problems and possibilities. Both of them. The Queen of Coins sees you being at your best – practical, analytical, confident, and ruthless. So use this important energy and focus to blast through the issues facing you and ignite the opportunities ahead of you. Do both because then you’ll feel liberated from the burden of obstacles and inspired by the prospect of new pathways.
The Nine of Wands hints that what you think of as problems aren’t half as onerous as you fear them to be. You’ve got this, Taurus! The Page of Wands shows there are many emerging, fledgling opportunities around you and you should be open-minded and experimental. Say yes, have a go, try it, spin the wheel, throw the dice. Nothing to lose, right? A lot can happen this November!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21
It’s time to become the person you’ve been working towards being (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Gemini for November: Nine of Coins, Ten of Wands, Six of Cups
Meaning: An amazing rebirth
You are evolving and working towards a 2.0 version of yourself that is happier, stronger, happier, and more sustainably balanced and stable. Sounds great, right? The Nine of Coins shows this has been on your mind for a long time and this is the turning point towards this new identity and outlook.
The Ten of Wands is the first step – let go and release all those bad habits, baggage and burdens that don’t serve you. And you know what they are. Let them all go.
The Six of Cups is the counter-action to that release – bring in new and inspiring hobbies, people and pastimes that match what the ‘childhood you’ (when you are your authentic self) loved. Reunite, rekindle, and return to simple pleasures, pastimes and places. You are healing, growing, and changing. For the better.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23
Build on the lessons you learned from the past to move forward into a brighter future (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Cancer for November: King of Swords, Queen of Swords, Five of Coins
Meaning: Gifts from the past
You are a lot tougher than people think and you will prove it this month by using mind over matter to overcome something from your past that would have steam-rollered other people. You are setting an example and showing what fortitude and resilience really look like. Revel in this depth of strength and courage you’re discovering, it will serve you well all of your life.
The Five of Coins shows an old echo or war wound bothering you, or maybe other people seem to be talking about it or bringing it up. No matter, because you can handle it. And you can learn from it now, as the emotions have died down.
The King and Queen of Swords are both walking with you this November, helping you be dispassionate, cool-headed, rational, strong, and wise in all of your dealings. They will guide you towards the silver linings, the hidden gems, the gifts and life lessons that your painful past now has to yield. Do this work. Face these old demons. Collect your rewards.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23
Leo, success is on the cards (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Leo for November: The World, Six of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune
Meaning: Success is coming
An incredibly interesting and inspiring November lies in store for you, Leo! Wow. The World and Wheel of Fortune are both transformative major arcana cards. Unseen forces are conspiring to end something in your realm so that a new beginning can emerge and propel you ahead into a better future.
Let this unfold. Seek change. End things that have run their course and release yourself from their grip. Look for new opportunity and possibility. Dare to dream! Anything, truly, is possible.
The Six of Wands asks you to focus on your core strengths, talents, passions and interests – the places where you have natural ability and curiosity. It’s hard to make a success of anything you’re not into. It’s impossible to thrive in places you’re not comfortable or motivated. Build on your successes, amplify what you’re good at, showcase your skills. Success begets success. You are about to go on a roll!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23
Things in love are looking up (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Virgo for November: The Hanged Man, Two of Cups, Death
Meaning: Relationship changes
A relationship that has been strained, broken, or non-existent the last few months will unexpectedly rekindle and regain its former glory, and you will celebrate!
The Hanged Man shows the limbo you’ve been in, things have not been the same and you’ve tried to talk, to fix it, to tackle it but nothing has worked. Death shows that the phase of this relationship you were in has ended. It has changed. The ground has shifted beneath your feet and you have to re-ground to this new position to move ahead. You can’t step back in time and bring back what is no longer there. Adjust, adapt, see things from their perspective and move along.
The Two of Cups has you back in love, on track, talking about the future, being supportive and kind. Everything ends. Sometimes for good, sometimes so that a new phase can emerge. This is a case of the latter.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23
Librans can sometimes struggle to make decisions (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Libra for November: Page of Swords, Knight of Cups, King of Wands
Meaning: Decision making
You’ve been procrastinating lately (what’s new…) with the undecided Page of Swords. The trouble is that you can see all sides to this situation and there is no easy, black vs white answer. It’s all in the shades of grey. The Knight of Cups is a person who would persuade you one way, perhaps a romantic connection or a loving Water sign friend (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) and the King of Wands is an influence dragging you in the opposite direction (either an older Fire sign, or a force which is like an urge to have an adventure, go wild, take a big risk).
Libra, it’s all fair and well getting an outside opinion or acknowledging others have demands or preferences about your actions but, ultimately, this is your call and only you can make it. Shut out the noise, list the pros and cons, sketch out your options and come to a robust conclusion, then sleep on it and depending on how well you sleep, make your final choice. Get past this cross roads, it’s starting to hold you up.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22
Clear out that negative energy weighing you down (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Scorpio for November: Three of Swords, Five of Cups, Ace of Swords
Meaning: Expel a negative force
A home truth lands deep this November and, although it’s not what you ideally want to hear I can tell you that it is what you need to hear. The Ace of Swords shows the cutting dialogue or revelation that swipes through your version of events and shows the plain truth. The Five of Cups has you feeling a little sad about it, but not for long. You’re not a sad person by nature. You are all about getting even vs getting upset!
Now then, Scorpio, don’t go off on one. No feuding or battle royales please. Take a breath, absorb the news, ruminate about your options and let the Three of Swords guide you to the right course of action. Simply, surgically remove whatever (or whoever) the source of this painful episode is from your realm.
This has done you a favour really, it has shown you a shadowy force in your world which you can now banish. For good. And it will feel liberating. No more bad vibes.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21
Plans don’t always pan out – but that’s not necessarily a bad thing (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Sagittarius for November: Four of Wands, King of Wands, Eight of Cups
Meaning: Bigger goals
What you thought you wanted is going to turn out not to be what you truthfully needed and the turning point in November comes when you recognise that and pivot to a new goal.
The Eight of Cups is a momentary disappointment, a moment of clarity when you understand you’ve been pitching at the wrong goal. It’s okay. You have gained experience and knowledge and you can shift course easily.
The Four and King of Wands ask you to aim higher! You were selling yourself short, aiming too low, going for something that was not honestly where you’re really at right now. You are ready to grow, develop, be stretched, exceed your expectations. Take the ambition you have and amplify it tenfold, believe in yourself, do what you’d do if you knew you could not fail!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21
Something or someone is about to return to your life (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Capricorn for November: Six of Cups, Knight of Wands, Seven of Wands
Meaning: A return
The Six of Cups is a nostalgic card and always depicts the return of something affectionate, loved, and missed, from your distant past. This is a welcome return so don’t fear it, in fact look out for or even trigger it yourself. Go down Memory Lane and retrieve something you still want.
The Seven of Wands shows there may be some resistance to your actions from others, possibly worried about a competing influence in your life. Be transparent and honest about your reunion but don’t be deterred by others’ jealousy or discontent. You do you, Cap!
The Knight of Wands promises a really good time, an exciting rekindling of mind and spirit. If this ‘thing’ is a person, they could be a Water or Fire sign. However, it may also be a role, goal, activity, pastime, skill, place, or commitment. Look back and return to a happy place.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19
Keep an eye out for ulterior motives (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Aquarius for November: Ace of Swords, Seven of Swords, The Devil
Meaning: Game changer
Sharp cards this November, Aquarius, so be on alert for unusual, out of character, revealing, or leftfield activity. The Ace and Seven of Swords suggest that someone is going to show their true face, and it might be different to what you believed (but, maybe, deep down, you had a hunch it was too good to be true). You are vindicated, your gut instinct is correct. Let people show you who they are, vs telling you. Let people’s behaviours play out their intentions and character, not their words or presentation. See beyond the façade.
The Devil is a powerful card of release and liberation. Whatever it is you see, it will unlock you from a game or situation that you’ve felt thwarted by. When you see what their game is, you know you’re not playing anymore and you can exit this tension and façade.
Freedom, truth, liberation. A truly game changing month ahead.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20
Try not to stress about things you can’t change (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Pisces for November: Justice, The Chariot, Nine of Swords
Meaning: Don’t worry
Stop worrying so much about this situation because much of it is outside of your control. The Nine of Swords asks you to find a confidant, mentor, or counsellor and pour out your unspoken dread, fear and concerns. They are mostly vapour and will evaporate in the cold light of day, but what’s left can be tackled.
The Chariot and Justice are power cards, unseen forces are at work. Carry on being dignified, strong, and moral. Do the right thing. Act like karma is watching… she is, and you will be vindicated and proven right here. I think you’ve been treated unfairly or poorly and the culprit will be exposed and things will change. What’s interesting though is that you have changed along this journey too and you’re not staying put. No sir. The Chariot sees you finding your purpose and, weirdly, it’s a result of this turmoil.
Things are going to change and improve, believe in that.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.
Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.
MORE : Which star signs clash the most? These are the ones you should avoid
MORE : How to do a love tarot and read your own relationship fortune
MORE : What each star sign needs most in a relationship
Get ready for a new month.Â